Monday, October 14, 2013

A Guide to Making Scented Candles

Most agree that candlelight is a pleasant addition to any room, but add a nice scent to that beautifully lit room and you have something special! Scented candles can be found in our homes, retail shops, beauty spas, and even restaurants where we enjoy the ambiance and warmth of candlelight.

Making scented candles can be enjoyed by anyone, young and old. The scents you choose to work with are an expression of your individuality, so try several to find out which you enjoy the most. The list of available scents is endless, ranging from light and floral to spicy and bold. You may decide to vary your scents with different seasons of the year--- floral in the spring, and earthy and spicy during the holiday season.

When choosing your scented additives, try to stay away from water or alcohol-based solutions. These tend to coagulate and don’t blend well with the candle wax. Essential oils are the preferred additive among candle makers, but make sure the oil you choose is made to withstand the heat generated by the candle. Some are not. Most craft stores have the correct oils on display near the wax, wicks, and other supplies used in candle making.

Once you have chosen your favorite scents, it’s time to make your candle. Melt the wax in a double boiler (to about 195°F) and add any dye for coloring if you wish. Just before pouring the melted wax into the container or mold you are using, add the scented oil and stir well. Waiting until you are ready to pour the wax will minimize unnecessary evaporation of your scented oil.

Only your nose can tell you how much oil to add, but you might start with ½ ounce of oil for each pound of wax. If that doesn’t produce enough of a scent for you, add 1 ounce of oil per pound of wax to the next candle. If you are using a particularly strong scent, you can try adding 1-3 drops of oil per pound of wax.

Many beginner candle makers make the mistake of adding too much scent to their first candle. This not only over-powers the room with the fragrance, but it can also cause mottling or pitting to the candle wax which makes it difficult to remove from the mold. At some point, you’ll find just the right recipe for your candle projects.

A word of advice - if you are using acrylic molds, be sure to read the label on your essential oil container to determine if the oil is not meant to come in contact with acrylic. Some will react with the acrylic material and ruin the smooth surface of the mold.

On occasion, you may want to enjoy the scent of a candle without the flame. Try a candle warmer. This ingenious little invention is designed to hold a scented pillar candle and gently warm the wax from the base, allowing the scent to filter into the air without lighting the wick. You can find these in most craft shops that sell candles.

Scented candles are fun to make, and will add that special touch to any room in your home, whether it’s a waft of vanilla bean or ginger in your kitchen or the faint smell of lilacs in your bath. Your family and guests will appreciate the subtle aromas as they move from room to room. And don’t forget scented candles when you are trying to think of the perfect housewarming gift…and you can say you made them yourself!

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