To prevent this from happening when learning how to make beaded jewelry, one needs four basic things at the ready. Supplies, inspiration, instruction and perseverance; without these four items you will be lost. Compare it to cooking where the supplies are the ingredients, inspiration may be wanting to copy a favorite dish from a restaurant, instructions would be the recipe and perseverance would be a willingness to keep trying until the desired results are reached and a fabulous dish is served.
Of course in beading the desired results will be a gorgeous piece of jewelry. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Starting with supplies there are several different things that fall under this category. More than beads and stringing material, there are tools specific to beading that are needed like different types of pliers that perform various functions, scissors, needles, spacers, clasps, crimps and more. When learning how to make beaded jewelry you will also need a table to work on, storage for your supplies and a bead board to layout your design.
But before you have created a design you need to be inspired. Perhaps you want to make something that goes with a new dress or something for a good friend based on her favorite things. Maybe you are designing jewelry for your sister's wedding using her dress as well as images she has shown you of what she likes for inspiration. Or maybe you just fall in love with the color and shape of a bead at the local craft store. No matter where it comes from inspiration is essential when learning how to make beaded jewelry because it leads you to the design elements that you or your client like and thus saves you time creating the perfect piece.
Of course once you have all your supplies at the ready and your design laid out you may discover that you are lacking some of the skills needed to complete the look you want. So say hello to instructions. Whether you find them in a beading magazine, take a jewelry making class or discover an online tutorial, the best beading secrets are easily uncovered and added to your toolbox.
Unfortunately this is not something that happens overnight. It takes time to learn any new skill and that is where perseverance comes in to play. As they say practice makes perfect and this is very true in beading. With time you can master any technique, the important thing is to never give up. While learning how to make beaded jewelry you will discover that some things come easy and some things need time to perfect.
As with anything in life, these are simply guidelines that can and should be edited as needed. Simply keep these four essentials in your toolbox and use them as needed. You will be a professional jewelry maker before you know it.
Author Kirsten Taylor is a passionate, beading enthusiast and owner of Best Beading Secrets a home-crafting online store that offers customers not only easy to follow tutorials, but insider tips and hints that you won't find anywhere else. Whether you want to learn how to bead and create fabulous jewelry yourself or discover the secrets of experts in the field, there is a lot of helpful advice and information to take advantage of and make designer accessories. Click today and indulge your creative side.
Article Source: How To Make Beaded Jewelry - Beginning Basics
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